Election of Directors
Our Master Association has a five-member Board of Directors, elected by our residents annually. The election of members to this Board are staggered so that the Board will always have members. However, a quorum of three members is required for passing any resolutions.
All residents vying for a position on the LOWofJ Board should declare their interest and submit a resume to our management company within a designated timeline. Resumes will be included in the voting packets sent to the primary address of residents.
All Board members are elected by the community as DIRECTORS. After the election Board members will meet and determine who is best suited for the following positions.
Board Member Positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Director or Director at Large
Each elected Board member has an equal vote, however, if there is a tie the person designated as President should vote last to break the tie.
Board meetings follow Roberts Rules of Order at all meetings, which includes special meetings.
Notification of meetings and special meetings are posted on this website under LOWofJ Agendas as well as the two bulletin boards located at the LOJ clubhouse and the LOW mail station. Postings are made two days prior to a scheduled meeting.
Board meeting minutes are recorded by both the Secretary and the Management Representative. They are brought to the next scheduled Board meeting where they are reviewed and then a motion is made to approve or amend the minutes for accuracy. Once the minutes have been approved, they will be posted on this website under LOWofJ Minutes.
Approval of Committees
Committees deemed appropriate and necessary for the LOWofJ Community are formed. They report monthly to the LOWofJ Board (or they report when they are actively performing tasks or preparing to perform tasks.) Any expenses incurred by the committees require prior Board approval.
The Committees:
Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
ARC is guided by our Governing Documents and ensures that any changes in structure, color, landscape or enhancements to your home or property are approved under the set guidelines. For all changes an ARC Form can be found on this website under forms. They must be filled out, signed and submitted with all swatches and documentation necessary for ARC to approve your request. ARC meets at the LOJ clubhouse at 10:00 AM the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. You can be present to learn their decision first hand or wait to receive confirmation by phone or by US mail.
The purpose of this committee is to determine the best way to communicate with all resident owners of the 871 lots in LOWofJ.
Members of this committee are chosen by the Board to review a recommended penalty to potentially be imposed on a resident for repeated non-compliance with rules set forth in our governing documents. Residents will have a chance to attend the meeting and plead their case to the committee. The committee will review both sides of an issue and make a recommendation to the Board.
Lakes & Wetlands
We have several man-made lakes in our community and one natural lake (Lake Meredith) that need to be maintained to meet the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s (SWFWMD) strict environmental guidelines. Our lakes are inspected on a regular basis and passing or exceeding expectations has either rewards or could result in fines.
This committee is not funded by the HOA community. All activities offered need to meet the not-for-profit status of this community. They hold fundraisers to help defray costs. The following functions are associated with social activities: The Spring Garage Sale & Fundraiser, the Holiday Dinner Dance and the Lecture Series.