Management of a Home Owners’ Association (HOA)
Understanding what living in a Home Owners Association (HOA) means to a buyer:
It means we pay an annual HOA fee, which supports the maintenance of common areas, roads, lakes and wetlands, monuments, the LOW mail station, walking path and landscaping. This HOA fee also employs our management company that assists our community with all these challenges.
Our management company is Keys-Caldwell:
Address: 1162 Indian Hill Blvd., Venice, FL 34293.
Keys-Caldwell’s team of representatives manages our community as follows:
- Assists the Board of Directors with community compliance of our governing documents
- Attends all Board meetings
- Oversees all things financial
- Inspects our community monthly for compliance to our documents
- Oversees elections from collecting resumes to mailing ballots to counting votes
- Seeks bids on jobs
- Acts as the first point of contact for new residents
- Guides the Board on legal issues
- Manages all violations and collect fees for same
- Collects annual HOA dues
- Facilitates the annual meeting