I have a number of items I would like you to know about with regards to what is happening in Park Estates.
- – I know that it seems like forever (and it has been) since our roads were improved and resealed. That is about to change! Within the next two weeks you will see workers from North Port Seal Coating Company working on fixing the areas that need repair before the resealing can be completed. This will improve our roads immensely. You may remember seeing the “orange lines” painted on the roads a few months ago. Those are the areas that will be dug up and repaired for the sealing. During the time that this work is being done, North Port Seal Coating Company wants everyone to drive on the roads as they would normally do. This will help to pack down the areas that will be repaired and help to take the seal coating better. With that being said, the actually seal coating will commence the week of October 5, 2020. The roads will be seal coated in three different sections – Section 1 on Monday, October 5, 2020, (Purple): Entrance drive off Lake of the Woods Drive and Park Estates Square from Aston Woods Court to Waterwood Lane. Section 2 on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, (Blue): Aston Woods Court and Park Estates Square from Aston Woods Court to Park Estates Square (toward Cedarwood Lane Entrance). Section 3 on Friday, October 9, 2020, (Red – looks like a much narrower purple): Waterwood Lane and Park Estates Square from Waterwood Lane to Cedarwood Lane.
*** Notes to Home Owners ***
The information above has been supplied by North Port Seal Coating and Lake of the Woods of Jacaranda.
A reminder to all homeowners – the road repairs and recoating are now part of the Lake of the Woods of Jacaranda, thanks to an agreement a number of years ago, and this resealing is being paid by LOWoJ as part of our annual dues to LOWoJ and will not cost PE Homeowners Association anything from our current budget. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. And remember, the better we comply with the requests of the company and do not drive on the new seal coating for at least 24 hours the better our roads will look.
- – Please be aware of the following from a resident:
“I have found what I have identified as “poison pie” mushrooms in the park where we hold our picnics opposite the mailboxes. My dog Ellie ate half of one. We identified it by a picture and affirmed it with our Vet. I noticed that all of the mushrooms were gone, perhaps by a fellow dog owner who I had warned. Eating one causes gastro intestinal problems and effects the liver of dogs. On my walk this morning I noticed some of the same mushrooms growing in the lawns of homeowners where there is easy access to a dog taken for a walk. Would you please pass this note on so the dog owners who are living in our Park Estates neighborhood are aware of the mushrooms? They are white with a tan spot in the middle grey/brown underneath, grow flat to ground and pictured by attachment above. I’m not an expert on mushrooms so I may be put at ease by someone who is.” Please see attachment to e-mail for picture of this mushroom.
- – A reminder to all residents to occasionally review our covenants. There are a number of things in the covenants that are violations. If you see any violations, please report them to me or directly to Keys-Caldwell. Keys-Caldwell will in turn send out violation notices. This is done to maintain the beauty and esthetics for our homeowners. A few things that come to mind, no personal property is allowed to be left in the road overnight. This includes vehicles, children’s toys, trash bins (unless it is the night before trash), yard waste, etc. Another big violation is animal owners who do not pick up after their animals and leave behind the waste. This not only includes on homeowners property but on common areas as well. Someone has to pick it up and it should be the animal owner and not the homeowner or association.
- – A number of sidewalks in PE are beginning to lift or sink causing a liability for those people walking on our sidewalks. Within the next few weeks, members of the board will be walking around noting any sidewalks that are in need of repair, including the common areas sidewalks. We will then go out to bid to try and get the best price for the repair of the sidewalks. We will contact each homeowner, after we have a price, and offer them the same price that the association will pay to fix the common areas. More information will follow. We certainly don’t want to have major issues with liability because of bad sidewalks.
- – Park Estates Fall Fling Picnic will be cancelled this year due to COVID 19. I think most people are in agreement that this is the right call and look forward to doing something in the Spring of 2021. LOWoJ will have their Semi-Annual Yard Sale on Saturday, November 6, 2020, if anyone in Park Estates wishes to participate. Set up your tables and get ready to say hello!
- – Believe it our not, we are quickly approaching December and our annual meeting and voting for your board of directors. Currently Sharon Cullinan, President and Jason Brandt, Vice-President will serve out the 2nd year of their term. Kevin Edwards, Secretary, is finishing his second year, but is willing to stay on for another 2 years if that is the wish of the community. Greta Mahoney, Treasurer, and Charlie Pierce, Director, were both 1 year appointees to the board, and both have agreed to stay on the board for another 2 year’s. With that being said, if there is anyone in the Association who wishes to be part of the Board of Directors, please let me know. Nominations are accepted from the floor and a vote will be taken. So now is your time to stand up if you would like to do this.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me. I look forward to working with you again next year.
Sharon A Cullinan, President
Board of Directors
Park Estates Homeowners Association